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Find Templates on at or

1.  To see the templates available for your product, go to and enter your Avery product number found on your product packaging or label sheet. Note: you can also browse by product category a bit lower on the page.

2. On the template page, click on the red button for Start Designing and it will take you to the Design & Print Online template once you sign into your online account.

3.  Look below the red button if you'd like to download a template for Microsoft Word, Apple Pages, or Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator or InDesign.  Click the icon for the software you want to use.  Below the icons is a list of other products that share the same template.
Note: If you ordered a custom size blank label, the template number will be sent with your email confirmation and can be opened using the above steps. You can view these steps here
  How to find a template in other softwares:Microsoft WordLibreMicrosoft Publisher

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