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Apple Pages - Add a Page

By default, any downloaded Avery template will contain only a single page for you to create labels.
If you’d like to create additional labels, there are two ways you can do this:
  1. The simpler method:
    You can download additional template files from
    (ex: If you need to create 4 pages of labels, simply download 4 copies of the same template.)
  2. The slightly more technical method:
    You can add additional template pages to your existing template.
    (ex: If you need to create 4 pages of labels, add 3 pages of labels to an existing template.)
Article Summary:
This article will guide you through the process of adding additional pages to your existing template in APPLE PAGES.
It involves copying a blank template and then pasting it into newly-created blank page in an existing template.
  1. Open a Blank Apple Pages template.
    (If the template you’re trying to add onto is already filled out, download a blank template from
  2. Click outside one of the boxes in your blank template.
    User-added image
  3. Select the template:
    Hold down [CMD] on your keyboard, and while holding that down, tap [A] once.
    (This should highlight all of the boxes in your template.)
  4. Copy the template:
    Hold down [CMD] on your keyboard, and while holding that down, tap [C] once.
    (It will look like nothing has happened—this is normal.)

    At this point, your computer will have an entire blank template page stored in its memory—it will remain in your computer’s memory until you copy something else.
  5. Open the Apple Pages template that you wish to add onto.
  6. Click on Insert at the top of your screen and then select Page.
    User-added image
    (This will add a blank second page to your existing template.)
  7. Click inside of your newly-added blank page.
    User-added image
  8. Paste the template:
    Hold down [CMD] on your keyboard, and while holding that down, tap [V] once.
    User-added image
    This will paste in the template that you copied in Step 4.
    (The yellow lines will not paste in with your template, but that’s okay—those aren’t necessary.)
If you want to add additional pages of labels, repeat steps 6-8 until you have the desired number of pages in your Apple Pages template.

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