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Design & Print Online Mail Merge, Import Data from a Spreadsheet, Import Addresses from Excel/Numbers

How to print labels from Excel with Avery Design & Print Online

First, be sure your data in the spreadsheet is arranged in columns.
spreadsheet formatted for mail merge in design and print online

Then, in step 3 Customize 
  • If your label has a placeholder text from a predesigned template, highlight the text to tell the merge where to go. For multiple text boxes, follow these steps: Mail Merge - Using Multiple Text Boxes
  • On the left side toolbar, click on Import Data and select Start Import/Merge 
how to print labels from excel 
  • Next, select Browse for File and locate your spreadsheet (Available file types: .xls, xlsx and csv).  If you get an error, try saving your file as a .csv and re-upload. 
browse for excel file for mail merge
  • In Choose Fields, confirm your list and uncheck the first row if you have headers.  You can also use the up/down arrows in the top row of grey checkboxes to sort the columns alphabetically or numerically.  If everything looks correct, click the Next button (If you cannot see the Next button, your screen may be too zoomed in. Use Ctrl - on Windows or Cmnd - on Apple to zoom out).

choosing the fields to print on labels

  • Arrange your fields by dragging and dropping the Imported Data Fields to Arrange Fields 
  • Or, double click each field name from the left side 
  • Use your Enter/or Return key, your mouse, or your key pad arrow keys to bring your cursor where you want each field
arranging the fields on the labels
  • Click Next
  • Click on Finish - Once you click Finish you have completed the merge process. (If you cannot see the Finish button, your screen may be too zoomed in. Use Ctrl - on Windows or Cmnd - on Apple to zoom out.)

More Mail Merge Help:

Word Mail Merge 

Formatting Mailing List in Excel

How to Replace Spreadsheet

Video Demo

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