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Avery Postcards 4" x 6"

Avery 4x6 postcards come in two different layouts - it's important to use the correct template for your postcard product.

Avery 5389 postcards are not print-to-the-edge and are for laser printers only.  You can design these using the 5389 template in Avery Design & Print Online.  You can also use a template built into Microsoft Word or download an Avery 5389 template for Word, Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign or Pages.

Avery 5889, 8386 and 8389 postcards allow for print-to-the edge.  You can design these using the 8386 template in Avery Design & Print Online.  You can also use a template built into Microsoft Word or download an Avery 8386 template for Word, Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign or Pages.

Here's some information on recommended printer settings.

If you want more information about a specific Avery product, search for the product number on

We also offer 4 1/4" x 5 1/2" Postcards.

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