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Printing Steps & Options in Design & Print; How to Print

In Avery Design & Print, when you are finished with your design in the Customize screen, click the Preview & Print button or tab.

In Preview & Print, to change the direction of the label print order, click Show Print Options, and you can change the Fill direction if you want to keep a merged set of labels in order but want to switch from rows to columns.

Here you can also choose which labels to print by using the Print Specific Labels / Cards option. For example, if you don’t want to print all the labels on the sheet, use Print from # to # to select what you want to print. Click here to find out more about how to use this feature.

Click Get PDF to Print and save your project to either your online account or to your computer. The next screen has one of two options depending on your internet browser:

  • Download the PDF: downloads should go to your downloads folder on the computer. Generally, Firefox, Microsoft Edge, and Safari browsers have this option.
  • If you have trouble getting to your PDF, check out these articles with instructions for your specific browser: Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Safari, Google Chrome
  • Note: You can also use the keyboard shortcuts to access your recent downloads while in your browser (Windows: press Ctrl + J) (Mac: press CMD + Option + L)
  • Open PDF: open and print or open and Save the file to your computer, usually seen with the Google Chrome.
  • We recommend using Acrobat Reader for printing your PDF. IMPORTANT: before downloading Acrobat Reader, make sure to uncheck additional add-ons for McAfee Security. Also be sure you are downloading the free version of Acrobat Reader and not Acrobat Pro. 

Printer Settings:

Use the manual feed tray for your printer, or place a short stack of paper beneath the Avery product in the regular print tray.  Be sure the paper size is set correctly and that you are printing 100% or Actual size. You can find additional troubleshooting tips here.

Change your printer settings in the Print window under Properties to Labels or Heavyweight or Cardstock and be sure the alignment guides are snug against the product. This will help your printer feed more accurately.

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