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Adding Lines in Design & Print; Add a Signature Line

To add a line using a text box:

1. In step 3 - Customize, click on the T on the left side and Add Text Box

Be careful choosing a font as some don't support underline (Andy works well)

Note: To create blank lines in our software you would not want to use the Underline feature, as the lines will not print.

2. Hold down the Shift key and type the underscore key on your keyboard

  User-added image

  3. To move the signature line's text box, hover your cursor over the edge of the text box until it changes to the up, down, left, and right arrow, then drag to the desired location

User-added image

To add a line using the Shapes tool:

1. Under More on the left side, click on Shapes and add a line

2. The line inserted is diagonal, so rotate using the handle at the top of its box

3. Drag the corners to change the size

4. Use Arrange on the right under the Navigator to move this layer behind other text or images

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