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How to Print Avery 8891 - DVD Case Inserts

Avery DVD Case Inserts are on A4 sized paper to fit into standard DVD cases.  This paper size is a little longer and thinner than the 8.5" x 11" paper used in the US.  A4 paper is used in many other regions of the world, so printers support that size, but you might need to adjust the paper size during the print process.
The template for Avery 8891 DVD Case Inserts has 3 sections, one for the front, spine and back.  In Design & Print Online, you click on the section you want to edit using the Navigator on the top right of your screen.  If you want to create multiple inserts, use the Add Sheets button at the bottom of the Navigator.  The next sheet will pick up the formatting of the first, so you will need to switch to Edit One in the Navigator to make changes to a single item.
When you're ready to print:
  1. Click Print and select your printer
  2. Be sure the Page Size is correct (A4 for the 8891 DVD Case Inserts)
  3. Page Scaling or Page Size might be on the first screen you see, or under a Preferences or Properties button - be sure the setting is 100% or Actual size
  4. Change the Media or Paper type to Heavyweight or Cardstock to help your printer pull the sheets through
  5. If you are printing a PDF and you don't see these options, you may need to click More Settings and Print Using System Dialog.
  6. When you click Print, look for another option in the Print dialog for Page Size or Paper Size.  Be sure that is also set to A4 paper size or your printer may override the A4 setting from the PDF dialog.  Since each printer is different, you can visit your printer manufacturer’s website for specific instructions for your printer model.
  7. If you are printing from Microsoft Word, you can slide the margins using the Ruler feature to make adjustments (click the View tab, then click to see the Ruler).



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