Safety Data Sheet Guide: 16 Sections of SDS and Binder Tips

Safety data sheets (SDS) are generally physical papers providing safety information relating to hazardous chemicals in the workplace. This includes pure, mixed and branded chemical substances.

This information on safety data sheets includes the physical, health and environmental hazards of each chemical as well as how to safely store, handle and transport them.

How many sections in SDS?

Following GHS guidelines, SDS must include 16 specific sections which are grouped into four categories: 1) general information about the chemical, 2) technical and scientific information, 3) information governed by other agencies and 4) other.

In this article we’ll explain each category and what is required in each specific section of a safety data sheet.

SDS Sections 1-8: General Information

The first eight sections of an SDS contain information most needed for quick access. Examples of information found in Sections 1-8 include, identifying the chemical and its composition, how it should be handled and stored, exposure limits, etc.

1) Identification

Section 1 of an SDS is designed to tell you what the chemical is, how it should and should not be used, and how to contact the supplier.

Required information includes product identifier, common names/synonyms, recommended use, restrictions on use and the name, address, phone number and emergency phone number of the manufacturer or distributor.

2) Hazard(s) Identification.

SDS section 2 warns you of risks associated with the chemical on that particular SDS. Required information includes hazard classification, signal word, hazard statements, pictograms, precautionary statements and descriptions of unclassified hazard.

In the case of mixtures, the percentage that consists of an ingredient with unknown acute toxicity should also be disclosed.

3) Composition/Information on Ingredients.

The third section on an SDS tells you exactly what the product is made of, including impurities and stabilizing additives. This is important because impurities and stabilizing additives have their own classifications and contribute to the overall classification of the chemical substance.

For all substances, SDS Section 3 requires: chemical name, common name/synonyms, Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) number and other unique attributes. If the following criteria is met, then the chemical name and exact percentage (concentration) are required:

  • The chemical includes additional ingredients classified as health hazards
  • The additional ingredients are present in an amount greater than the concentration limits or exhibit a health risk below the concentration limits

Percentage ranges can be used on safety data sheets for mixtures with batch-to-batch variation, a group of substantially similar mixtures or if there is a trade secret claim. If exact percentages are withheld due to a trade secret claim, a statement to that effect is required in Section 3.

4) First Aid Measures

Information required for SDS Section 4 includes a description of symptoms and effects (both acute and delayed). First aid instructions must be included for exposure via inhalation, skin and eye contact and ingestion as well as recommendations for immediate medical care or special treatment when needed.

5) Firefighting Measures

This part of an SDS tells you what to do in case of fire caused by the chemical. Required information includes, appropriate/not appropriate extinguishing equipment, special equipment/precautions for firefighters and advice on specific hazards that develop from the chemical during the fire.

6) Accidental Release Measures

SDS Section 6 tells you what to do should the chemical be spilled, leaked or otherwise released. Required information includes emergency procedures, protective equipment and appropriate cleanup and containment methods.

7) Handling and Storage

Section 7 on your SDS provides a guideline for safely handling and storing chemicals. Requirements include information for safely handling the chemical to minimize release into the environment, general hygiene, as well as conditions for safe storage, specific storage needs and storage incompatibilities.

8) Exposure Controls/Personal Protection

SDS Section 8 is designed to help you avoid personal exposure to chemicals in quantities or time periods longer than can be done so safely. It lists the maximum amount of personal exposure that is considered safe and the protective measures that should be used to safely handle the chemical.

Information required for protection includes appropriate engineering controls, personal protective equipment (PPE) and any special material and/or resistance requirements for PPE.

Information required for exposure includes:

  • OSHA Permissible Exposure Limits (PELs)
  • American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH)
  • Threshold Limit Values (TLVs)
  • Any other limits recommended for safety

Sections 9-11: Technical & Scientific Information

Safety data sheets organize technical and scientific information into Sections 9 through 11 (and sometimes Section 16).

The information required in these particular sections of the safety data sheet is very specific and detailed and they cannot be left blank.

If there is no relevant information for a required element in any of these sections, it must be stated on the SDS in the appropriate field.

9) Physical and Chemical Properties

This section is where the chemical’s characteristics are listed on the SDS. The minimum required fields include:

  • Appearance (physical state, color, etc.)
  • Auto-ignition temperature
  • Decomposition temperature
  • Evaporation rate
  • Flammability (solid, gas)
  • Flash point
  • Initial boiling point and boiling range
  • Melting point/freezing point
  • Odor
  • Odor threshold
  • Partition coefficient: n-octanol/water
  • pH
  • Relative density
  • Solubility(ies)
  • Upper/lower flammability or explosive limits
  • Vapor density
  • Vapor pressure
  • Viscosity

10) Stability and Reactivity

SDS Section 10 tells you how stable the chemical is and the likelihood of hazardous reactions. Required information is divided into three clear sections:

  • Specific test data for the chemical, class or family.
  • Chemical stability. Whether the chemical is stable or unstable (at regular room temperature) while in storage and being handled, any stabilizers that may be needed and any changes in physical appearance that indicate safety issues.
  • Possibility of hazardous reactions, conditions to be avoided, incompatible materials and any known or anticipated hazardous decomposition products that could be produced because of use, storage or heating.

11) Toxicological Information

This section of an SDS provides you with health risks associated with poisoning from the chemical. Information required includes routes of exposure, related symptoms, acute and chronic health effects, numerical measures of toxicity and whether or not the chemical is considered carcinogenic.

Sections 12-15: Information Governed by Other Agencies

It’s important to note that OSHA requires safety data sheets to contain Sections 12-15 to uphold GHS guidelines, but does not enforce the content included in those sections.

While not mandated by OSHA, content in SDS Sections 12-15 is enforced and governed by other agencies such as the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

12) Ecological Information (non-mandatory)

SDS Section 12 includes information helpful for evaluating the environmental impact if the chemical(s) were released into the environment. Examples of this type of information include bioaccumulation potential, ozone layer depletion and groundwater absorption studies.

13) Disposal Considerations (non-mandatory)

This SDS section tells you how to safely dispose of, recycle or reclaim the chemical and/or its container. Examples include appropriate disposal containers, disposal methods, physical and chemical properties that may affect disposal, language discouraging sewage disposal and any special precautions for landfills or incineration.

14) Transport Information (non-mandatory)

SDS Section 14 provides information for shipping and transporting hazardous chemicals by road, air, rail or sea. This type of information can include UN number and shipping name, transport hazard classes, packing group number, environmental hazard, bulk transport guidance and special precautions associated with transport.

15) Regulatory Information (non-mandatory)

Section 15 includes any additional safety, health, and environmental regulations not indicated anywhere else on the SDS sheet. Regional regulatory information is a common example of this type of information.

Section 16: Other Information

Section 16 is for communicating when the most recent update was made, and any other useful information not included anywhere else in the SDS. Information to record here includes when the SDS was prepared, the last known revision date, and where changes were made in the most recent revision.

How to organize an SDS binder

Employees must have free access to SDS throughout the day. The best way to keep your SDS in order and readily accessible is to assemble them alphabetically in a dedicated SDS binder. An SDS binder should be highly visible and durable enough to protect SDS in heavy-duty environments.

A well-organized, complete SDS binder is divided into three sections: 1) the company hazard communication policy, 2) SDS and 3) relevant OSHA publications.

When you’re organizing your SDS binder, keep in mind that accessibility is at the core of SDS compliance. Dividers that separate the sections as well as A-Z dividers for alphabetizing SDS make an SDS binder easier for both workers and inspectors to navigate.

Company Hazard Communication Policy: This document should include the person responsible for maintaining the SDS binder and what is expected of them.

Relevant OSHA Documentation: Relevant information published by OSHA that is useful or beneficial for workers should be printed and included in your SDS binder. Specific OSHA requirements for safety data sheets published as an OSHA brief and new OSHA instruction directives such as CPL-02-02-079 are great examples of documentation beneficial for encouraging chemical safety and compliance.

These four simple SDS binder updates ensure workers have easy access to SDS and help them to better understand chemical safety.

1) Include an SDS binder update tracking sheet

Identify and solve SDS problems before they become expensive citations. No one wants to be surprised with missing or out-of-date SDS on inspection day.

The best way to do this is by creating, and adhering to, a regular schedule for auditing and updating your SDS binder. A simple cover sheet for tracking SDS audits and updates can be added to your SDS binder in minutes.

Auditing workplace chemicals 1-2 times per year is recommended to help you catch any missing SDS (or out-of-date MSDS) that should have been updated by the supplier and could lead to fine. Considering that HazCom violations have been in the top 3 of OSHA violations for the last decade, coming in at No. 2 in 2019, it’s worth it.

2) Organize for quicker safety data sheet access

Ensuring employees have easy access to chemical safety information is the cornerstone of OSHA laws regulating SDS. It’s also just good common sense in case of emergency. Keeping your SDS binder organized helps workers find the exact information they need when it matters most.

Use binder dividers with tabs to organize SDS alphabetically. Make sure the dividers are durable plastic so they don’t get torn out with rough handling. Likewise, sturdy plastic sheet protectors should be used to keep SDS from getting dirty, torn, ripped out of the SDS binder or otherwise damaged.

3) Add printed OSHA supplements to SDS binder pockets

Helping employees educate themselves about chemical safety upholds the spirit of right-to-know laws and increases overall workplace safety. OSHA even provides free supplemental publications on a variety of safety topics for just this purpose.

OSHA safety publications are accessible in both HTML and PDF format, such as a helpful HazCom FAQs. This type of information is not strictly required on chemical safety labels or safety data sheets, but it does help keep workers informed.

Printed OSHA PDFs are incredibly easy to tuck into SDS binder pockets for employees to use at will. Or they can be inserted at the back of the binder using plastic sheet protectors.

4) Use QR code labels to supplement SDS information

Using QR code labels, you can provide direct links to online supplemental information right from your SDS binder. While QR codes may sound fancy, they’re just a type of two-dimensional barcode and can be printed using the same method as any other barcode.

QR codes labels give your employees unparalleled access to supplemental information online because they can be scanned from any common smartphone. Whether it’s your company HazCom policy, online versions of safety data sheets or OSHA supplemental publications online (HTML format), your employees can get the information right on their phone.

How often should you update your SDS?

When new chemicals are brought into the facility, updated SDS should be added immediately. Diligently following this rule helps ingrain chemical safety compliance in company culture. Soon it will become routine for employees to continually update SDS binders and databases.

When new significant information about the hazards of a chemical (or new protection methods) becomes available, it must be added to the SDS within three months. This requirement is an OSHA-mandated SDS regulation to ensure the most accurate up-to-date information.

Please note, the contents of this article and related articles on are for informational purposes only, are general in nature, and are not intended to and should not be relied upon or construed as a legal opinion or legal advice regarding any specific issue or factual circumstance.

Author: JoJo Mrgich

JoAnn (JoJo) Mrgich is a copywriter and SEO content writer who began her copywriting career in 2011. A musical theater major at the time, JoJo began writing blog articles, product descriptions, and other online content for a dancewear brand. Since then, she has gone on to write in a variety of fields, from essential oils and natural beauty to fashion and swimwear, finally landing at Avery, which she affectionately calls her "forever home." At Avery, JoJo writes content for the Avery blog, covering everything from organization to party planning, as well as contributing to other online content for She is also a technical and content writer for Avery Industrial, where she writes in-depth articles that span a wide variety of topics, from safety compliance to 5S lean practices. In her personal life, JoJo is a big fan of fantasy and science-fiction works such as Lord of the Rings and Star Trek (especially the original series). She also loves going to Disneyland and runs a non-profit social organization of 600 members that brings fans of "nerd culture" together for meet-ups and events in Southern California.